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Using negative emotion as a shield

EFT is an excellent tool in unmasking emotions. But sometimes the resistance to letting go of the negative emotion comes from an unknown need to shield ourselves from what may lie behind it.

Our subconscious mind detects our ability to handle the real emotion and more often than not, it chooses an easier negative emotion to cloak it with. 

Most of you may be very aware of masking a negative emotion with a fake smile, fake laugh, etc., and that's the job our conscious mind does. 

But when there is a lot of sadness, grief, fear, or just unpreparedness to handle what lies underneath - our subconscious mind does an excellent job of cloaking it with either anger, irritation, frustration, resentment, or even feelings of revenge.

These feelings, especially anger, give an indication of feeling stronger and more in control compared to the underlying feeling. 

But the cloaking emotion only further adds to the confusion and complications. Once again,  EFT along with Ho'oponopono and guided meditation do an excellent job of gently peeling away the layers of emotions to clean out the core completely. That leaves us with a feeling of true strength rather than an implied one.

It can be tricky at times while working on our own cloaking emotions. Since we have chosen to hide the real feeling consciously or subconsciously, coaxing it out will need some perseverance. But it can definitely be done. 

It, of course, helps to have someone to work with under these circumstances, who can guide you to release these layers with minimum to no complications. 

A tip - Ask yourself - What am I protecting myself from with this emotion? and then use EFT to work on the answer.

Do contact me if you would like to try the magic of EFT, Ho'oponopono, and guided meditation combined in a powerful blend to help you through any tough times. 

I also offer Hypnotherapy sessions. 

Till next time, stay safe and keep tapping. 

Please check out the packages or contact me from the above or below links.
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