I've already covered one aspect of procrastination with respect to the need for perfection. In this article let's see another aspect of it, with respect to our intuition.
Is procrastination always a bad thing? Or is it that intense resistance you feel to do something, is because of a gut feeling that is forcing you to look in a different direction?
Our intuition is extremely powerful, should we choose to listen to it. And it tries to tell us in multiple ways when something is off or just does not feel right. Like maybe the resistance you feel when you've to make an important investment or meet someone or the phone call that you keep putting off or maybe even the resistance you feel when you've to apply for a certain job. Is it all just laziness or is your mind and body trying to point you in a different direction? A better one maybe?
It could help to talk 'to' your procrastination. By now you must be wondering why am I asking you to talk 'to' everything in your life. Yourself, your problems, to the universe, and now to your procrastination?
I've found that's the best way to get your answers. But how do you talk 'to' your procrastination? My method is to tune into 'the procrastination'. Accept it and acknowledge it. And then ask yourself, where is this resistance coming from? Also allow yourself to see what you've been trying to avoid, and be open to receiving the answers. only then will you be able to get alternative options to complete your task.
For example, if you've been asked by a close friend to try something.
Your friend has been really enthusiastic about it and you are inspired by
your friend's optimism and enthusiasm and you agree. But no matter how
much you tell yourself you are going to do it right away, you just cannot
get to it. There is something holding you back.
This would be a good time to stop and self-reflect instead of the usual blame, guilt, and regret routine that follows procrastination.
You can even connect with the universal energy and ask "I know I want to do this, but I am not able to proceed. I would like to know if it is in my best interest to go ahead or am I being held back for a reason. If this is not the right path for me, I am open to being guided towards whatever is for my highest good."
Sit back, relax, and be open to receiving the answers. The action part will be far easier after that.
Of course, this is only one of the possibilities of the reason behind procrastination. The main thing to understand is that ' Procrastination is a symptom, not the problem itself '.
If you would like to understand your own procrastinations and release the underlying resistance, you can try the above method or work with me.
I can guide you through the process. To connect with me, please use the above or the below links.
Till next time, stay safe and take care.
This would be a good time to stop and self-reflect instead of the usual blame, guilt, and regret routine that follows procrastination.
You can even connect with the universal energy and ask "I know I want to do this, but I am not able to proceed. I would like to know if it is in my best interest to go ahead or am I being held back for a reason. If this is not the right path for me, I am open to being guided towards whatever is for my highest good."
Sit back, relax, and be open to receiving the answers. The action part will be far easier after that.
Of course, this is only one of the possibilities of the reason behind procrastination. The main thing to understand is that ' Procrastination is a symptom, not the problem itself '.
If you would like to understand your own procrastinations and release the underlying resistance, you can try the above method or work with me.
I can guide you through the process. To connect with me, please use the above or the below links.
Till next time, stay safe and take care.