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The cycle of manifestation and self-sabotage

Image by pressfoto on Freepik

One of the biggest topics of interest over forever may be Manifestation. Everyone wants to manifest something or the other, me included. But so very often as we get closer and closer to the goal, something seems to pull us away. 

As we start noticing the signs and signals that we are almost there, things invariably start going wrong or falling apart. If it is a relationship manifestation, there may be unexplained conflicts. If it is a job manifestation, the last round of interviews may probably get postponed for no reason. If it is a travel manifestation, something may get canceled at the last minute. If it is a home manifestation, the neighbors may not match your wavelength. 
Sounds familiar? 

Why does this happen? Why is it that when we are so close to getting something, everything changes? When we are trying to manifest something, maybe a relationship, we get caught up in doing everything to make it happen. But once we meet someone and things start to progress, other questions start to pop up. It could be something like was I specific enough about 'this' requirement, I should have included 'that' requirement.

Even if everything is perfect, sometimes, a different fear starts to set in. That could be something like 'what now?' 'Can I really handle this?' and very strangely it can even be 'Oh no, what did I do? ' at times. The enthusiasm for manifesting starts to fade when the reality of the manifestation unfolds and the subconscious takes over.

In a valiant attempt to protect us from our own manifestation it embarks on a journey of self-sabotage, leading us to believe that nothing really works for us or we are really bad at manifesting. 

The truth is, we are all excellent at manifestation. We just don't have the insight to cover all our bases while we embark on our journey to manifest.

The solution to this is really simple. Go ahead and visualize, have your vision board, meditate or do whatever you've been doing to manifest, but just add a disclaimer addressing the infinite wisdom of the Universe and Divine.

You can do this by saying "this or anything better than this, that's for the highest good of all concerned in all aspects." That's it... Now you don't have to worry about anything going wrong and can relax and peacefully enjoy your process of manifesting. 

I wish you the very best and if you would like to work with me in this process, or if you have a dream/ goal to achieve and would like some help with it, do click on the above or the below links to get in touch with me. 
Contact Me  or   ðŸ“§

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