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Talk to a friend with EFT

This is an idea I chanced upon through a casual comment by a good friend who I had introduced to EFT a while ago. She was having some issues at her workplace and started using EFT to deal with them. One evening as we were talking, she mentioned that EFT is like having a  friend whom you can talk to about anything and I just felt how true the statement was.

So how can we use this in our practice with EFT? Some of us are lucky enough to have friends to whom we can talk just about anything, without being judged, laughed or being looked at as plain crazy. But for the others among us who have crossed the BFF stage in life, it is not that easy to have that one friend to who we can pour out our hearts, we may have different friends with whom we discuss various matters, but that one package deal may be missing with everyone having their own challenges in life.

So for the lucky ones among us, when you have an issue or a problem and you call or cry on the shoulder of your BFF why not try tapping also at the same time, go ahead see how it works. Make sure your dear friend knows about EFT or at least give them a heads up on what you are going to do, talk to them as you always do, but tap on the EFT points at the same time, maybe just the finger points, but do tap and see if it helps. If you feel a sigh, a yawn coming on, tears flowing, or even feeling really tired, you will know that the energy is shifting. Once you are done talking about the initial bothersome part and are ready, then maybe you can continue talking with a bit of positive input. You can look up Tapping with Negative and a bit of gratitude  for some ideas.

Ok, now what about the others, those who cannot really confide in anyone with all trust or in sensitive matters where you would really like to talk to someone but it is not possible. Remember your childhood, where you had 'pretend friends', friends who were always on your side, never judging you, always supporting you. Make one up now, pretend you have a wonderful friend, talk to your pillow, talk to your dear pet who loves you so much, talk to your plant, talk to a soft toy, just start tapping and start talking about whatever you have to unload from your heart and mind as you would talk to a dear friend who is always on your side. Once you start feeling better, thank your imaginary friend, pillow, plant, pet, soft toy for listening. Repeat it a few times. Do not forget to tap while talking. Even if you skip the setup statements, do remember to affirm ' I love to accept and forgive myself'  at least a few times during the rant.

Go ahead, give it a try. When we really trust someone, we open up fully. That's when we are totally honest about our feelings and to tap when we are so open and honest about our feelings will definitely benefit us.

Until next time - stay happy, laugh out loud, share a hug, and do tap away from your problems. Take care dear friends.

If there is something you would like to address and want some help with, do get in touch with me. Please check out the packages or contact me from the above or below links.
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