We all know the power of gratitude. We all know, the more we have to be thankful for, the more we have opportunities to be thankful for. This is possibly one of the most well-known mantras since the time people understood the concept of the law of attraction.
But still, the moment we get caught up in our daily life, gratitude more often than not slips way back into our priority lists. Have you noticed that the only time you are holding on to the attitude of gratitude is when you are present in the here and now?
So accepted and acknowledged that we in our daily lives have enough attractions, distractions, to-do lists, not-to-do lists, etc. which all come together from making sure we are all not always in a state of gratitude.
The universe is very smart, it has given us the tool to achieve so many things, but also made sure the only way we can use it is by being present.
I forget to stay in the attitude of gratitude a lot too, when life gets very busy. So I try to do this. Listing out reasons to be grateful for at the end of the evening is great, but how about keeping a count? You can start with just 5 things you are grateful for in a day. You can then move on to finding 5 things to be grateful for before and after lunch. Once you are comfortable there, you can move on to finding 5 things to be grateful for before breakfast, before lunch, and before dinner.
But make sure you feel and are present in that feeling of gratitude for at least a minute.
Once you have this, try to have 5 things to be grateful for in the first hour of your day.
Running water - be grateful,
Warm shower - be grateful,
Bright sunshine - be grateful,
A warm smile - be grateful
Flowers on the sidewalk - be grateful,
Birds singing in the backyard - be grateful.
Soon enough, you'll be a pro in using this powerful tool of gratitude the universe has enabled everyone with.
I hope you've all the fun, success, magic, and miracles that come along
with this powerful tool of gratitude.
I am truly grateful
for the time you've invested in reading this article and all my other
thoughts that I've been sharing with you.
And if there is anything you feel I can help you with, please feel free to connect with me from the above or the below links.