Image by 8photo on Freepik What are the indicators of energy release? We work on understanding, accepting, acknowledging and releasing energies all the time. But how do we know that the energy is actually moving? One of the most common indicators of the released energy leaving our body is through yawning. Whether we are working with tapping, guided imagery, quantum healing or even other modalities of energy healing such as Reiki - Yawning along with feeling physically tired is a huge indicator of energy release. Other indicators of energy release can include tears, crying, hiccups, burps, feeling very sleepy- to the point of being unable to keep eyes open and in extreme cases it can even include fever, purging ( specially if the released energy is a lot of disgust), and diarrhea. Unless the release symptoms are very uncomfortable or are not subsiding, all that needs to be done to facilitate better and easier transition of the energy is to drink plenty of...
Image By tohamina I recently felt the full impact of an energy attack. I thought I was protecting my energy well, but I realized I had not done enough. We all go through such attacks at least a few times in our lives. But what's most important are the choices we make when such an attack occurs. These attacks want us to make the wrong choices. It gives them more leverage. When I experienced this energy attack, possibly one of the longest running attacks, it took me a while to realize it. It felt as if everyone and everything was against me. I was experiencing feelings and emotions that did not feel like mine. All I wanted to do was to rave and rant. But once I realized that all of it felt unnatural, I knew I've to start moving out all these energies that weren't mine. They felt like iron filings clinging on to a magnet. I worked on clearing this energy out everyday, till the source...