The one thing I've realized in all my time working with others is that those who get the fastest results are those who come in with the awareness that they have an issue.
With awareness comes the acceptance to take responsibility for whatever issue they are facing in life. Be it health, finances or relationships of any kind.
With this responsibility also comes the realization that if the cause of the problem lies within them, so does the power to make any changes that may be needed to shift the energy of the problem.
Once the energy of the problem is shifted, the problem has to shift. When that shift happens, the whole parameter of 'being stuck in a problem' automatically dissolves. And when that happens all the other energies start moving. Almost like clockwork.
Now imagine if you will, a clog stuck in this clockwork. This clog can be denial, justification, excuses, blaming others or even just the fear to look at the problem. Sometimes even our own ego comes into play, holding us back from looking within to see that clog stuck in our clockwork of life.
With a little bit of nudge, the magic can happen.
With this very small and powerful prayer with Ho'oponopono (The Hawaiian prayer) you can start shifting the energy by yourself.
The prayer itself goes like this:
"I love you
I am sorry
Please forgive me
Thank you"
You can work with it this way, addressing yourself :
"I love you,
I am sorry I do not know what in me that is causing this problem to be or repeat in my life.
Please forgive me for not knowing the reason and how to get over this problem.
Thank you for showing me the path and helping me release whatever it is in me that is causing this problem."
I would suggest trying this especially in situations where we attract bad behavior from others with this statement:
"I am sorry for whatever it is in me that is attracting this behavior from them or attracting people who behave like this."
Try it and see the magic.
If you would like to work more on anything please feel free to connect with me using either the above or the below links.