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Cutting cords

Cutting energy cords is no longer an exotic term. Most of you would have heard of it and a lot of you may have also tried it and experienced the multiple benefits of this simple exercise. 

For the uninitiated, energy cords or etheric cords form as a result of physical, mental, and emotional attachments to others, to various experiences, and even to objects. The cords can be both positive and negative. The positive cords can inspire us, motivate us, energize us, and may even bring out the best in us. But the negative cords can make us feel drained, lethargic, dull, and mostly give us a constant feeling that something is off. 

We all have multiple cords attached to us at all times, but energy is always changing, shifting and moving, and a lot of old cords do wither away and fall off with time. There are however certain cords that keep us stuck to the past and hold us back from moving ahead in life. These are the ones that tie us up to our past baggage and need to be cut. 

How to identify these cords? 

There are multiple ways to identify these cords. When some thought, feeling or emotion keeps bothering you, it is a definite indication that there is a cord attached.  Let me share with you one of the methods I use to identify them. 

'Close your eyes and breathe deeply a few times. Connect with the feeling or the emotions that are bothering you and ask your body where is it coming from. Then ask your body if there are any cords attached to these feelings and if so how many are there. Always listen to your body and trust the answers. Then ask where are these cords attached. Once you have that answer, you'll be able to see and identify and even feel the energy in those places.' 

How to cut these cords?

Again there are multiple ways to cut these cords and cleanse the body. Crystals, Sage,  meditation, visualization, calling in angels or with the help of the Universe and the Divine are a few of the ways. Once again, I would suggest using the intelligence of our body to guide us through the process. Sometimes the answer can be a simple pull it out or cut it with scissors through the visualization. At other times it can be more complex like melting the edge off, again with visualization, etc. Even if it sounds very peculiar, listen to your body and just follow what it says. 

You may have to revisit and cut these cords a few times in some stubborn cases. Once it is done, you'll feel a shift in energy. If it is someone you've been obsessing about, you'll suddenly feel a sense of freedom or feel lighter. You may even be able to breathe more easily. 

A Prayer:

You can always say a prayer like this periodically or even daily for constant cleaning and cutting of cords.

 "I am ready to release and let go of all cords that may be connected to any person, experience, or even objects, that are no longer conducive for my well-being or for my highest good. I am ready to release them to the universe, for their energy to be transformed and transmuted for the highest good of all concerned. I am ready to reclaim any of my original energy that I may have lost in the process. I am ready to reclaim it in its purest form that's for my highest good and best interests."

If you would like to work with me on cutting cords, inner child healing or any other issue, please check the links either above or below.

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