After 'Tell yourself a different story' & 'The universe is a good listener' , it is now time to talk 'to' your problems. Yes, it is talk 'to' your problems, not about them.
But aren't problems something we all vehemently avoid, resist, and try to run away from? So why would we talk 'to' our problems? And even if we did, what do we tell our problems?
It is definitely not something like a lament, complaint, or cynical comment. It is also not one out of self-pity, from a place of a victim or a defeatist.
I also accept not all problems can have this approach, but a lot of problems can give some interesting insights if we just decide to talk to them.
So how to talk 'to' our problems?
It can be as simple as this "I understand you are in my life for a reason, to either help me see something, understand something or correct something. I also accept that I've been so focused on finding solutions for the symptoms, that I've not paid enough attention to the reason as to why you are in my life. I am ready to do that now. I am to listen to what you are trying to tell me. I am ready to understand what you are trying to teach me. I am ready to understand your purpose and role in my life and why I've attracted you. I am ready to learn, grow and make the changes I need to do so I can let you go.
Thank you for teaching me what you wanted me to learn, giving me the clarity to see what I was denying, and helping me better understand my own abilities and possibilities while I was trying to deal with this."
Just being open to understanding that we have attracted the problem in our life as a fail-safe switch to keep us repeating the same mistakes is a step forward.
Again, this method may not work with all the problems, some are bigger, deeper, and will need more methods. But this method can help you get a lot of clarity on most of the issues.
Do try it out and if you would like me to help you in this journey, feel free to connect with me from the above or below links.