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The cycle of manifestation and self-sabotage

Image by pressfoto on Freepik One of the biggest topics of interest over forever may be Manifestation. Everyone wants to manifest something or the other, me included. But so very often as we get closer and closer to the goal, something seems to pull us away.  As we start noticing the signs and signals that we are almost there, things invariably start going wrong or falling apart. If it is a relationship manifestation, there may be unexplained conflicts. If it is a job manifestation, the last round of interviews may probably get postponed for no reason. If it is a travel manifestation, something may get canceled at the last minute. If it is a home manifestation, the neighbors may not match your wavelength.  Sounds familiar?  Why does this happen? Why is it that when we are so close to getting something, everything changes? When we are trying to manifest something, maybe a relationship, we get caught up in doing everyt

Procrastination Vs Intuition

Tired photo created by diana.grytsku - I've already covered one aspect of procrastination with respect to the need for perfection. In this article let's see another aspect of it, with respect to our intuition.  Is procrastination always a bad thing? Or is it that intense resistance you feel to do something, is because of a gut feeling that is forcing you to look in a different direction?  Our intuition is extremely powerful, should we choose to listen to it. And it tries to tell us in multiple ways when something is off or just does not feel right. Like maybe the resistance you feel when you've to make an important investment or meet someone or the phone call that you keep putting off or maybe even the resistance you feel when you've to apply for a certain job. Is it all just laziness or is your mind and body trying to point you in a different direction? A better one maybe?  It could help to talk 

Cutting cords

Lifestyle photo created by jcomp - Cutting energy cords is no longer an exotic term. Most of you would have heard of it and a lot of you may have also tried it and experienced the multiple benefits of this simple exercise.  For the uninitiated, energy cords or etheric cords form as a result of physical, mental, and emotional attachments to others, to various experiences, and even to objects. The cords can be both positive and negative. The positive cords can inspire us, motivate us, energize us, and may even bring out the best in us. But the negative cords can make us feel drained, lethargic, dull, and mostly give us a constant feeling that something is off.  We all have multiple cords attached to us at all times, but energy is always changing, shifting and moving, and a lot of old cords do wither away and fall off with time. There are however certain cords that keep us stuck to the past and hold us back from moving ahead in life. These are the ones

The Universe is a good listener

Night sky photo created by wirestock - When I say the Universe is a good listener, I mean the Universe is always listening. The universe is also listening to all the self-talks I mentioned about in the previous article. But this is about something different. Have you ever tried sitting down and just talking to the Universe? A simple conversation. Maybe when you just relaxing with your hot cup of tea or coffee, maybe when you are just sitting watching the rain or the stars, or maybe even a bird hopping around or swimming lazily in the water. I am mentioning moments like these since these are naturally tranquil moments when it is a lot easier to connect with the Universal energy. And what exactly to talk about with the Universe? Talk about anything, like how you would talk to a friend. Talk about your life, frie

Talk to your problems

Person thinking photo created by freepik - After ' Tell yourself a different story'  & 'The universe is a good listener'  , it is now time to talk 'to' your problems. Yes, it is talk 'to' your problems, not about them.  But aren't problems something we all vehemently avoid, resist, and try to run away from? So why would we talk 'to' our problems? And even if we did, what do we tell our problems? It is definitely not something like a lament, complaint, or cynical comment. It is also not one out of self-pity, from a place of a victim or a defeatist.  I also accept not all problems can have this approach, but a lot of problems can give some interesting insights if we just decide to talk to them.  So how to talk 'to' our problems?   It can be as simple as this "I understand you are in my life for a reason, to either help me

Tell yourself a different story

Listen photo created by evening_tao - So what is the story you've been telling yourself all your life? What have you been training yourself to believe about yourself? And how has it been slowly but steadily shaping up your life?  The stories can have words like I am not worthy, not good enough, I always have bad luck, it never works for me, I never win, money keeps running out, I am not pretty enough, etc. I am sure you get the gist.  Over time these words can wrap around us like a security blanket, something which we refuse to let go. The reason why we refuse to let go of these stories is that we have built up our whole lives around these words. Changing the story can invariably have a domino effect causing a ripple effect of changes that can radiate all over our lives and lifestyle. Our brain is smart enough to know that, sometimes so smart that it knows exactly what ch

Awareness - You are already halfway there

Diwali festival photo created by freepik - The one thing I've realized in all my time working with others is that those who get the fastest results are those who come in with the awareness that they have an issue.   With awareness comes the acceptance to take responsibility for whatever issue they are facing in life. Be it health, finances or relationships of any kind.  With this responsibility also comes the realization that if the cause of the problem lies within them, so does the power to make any changes that may be needed to shift the energy of the problem.  Once the energy of the problem is shifted, the problem has to shift. When that shift happens, the whole parameter of 'being stuck in a problem' automatically dissolves. And when that happens all the other energies start moving. Almost like clockwork.  Now imagine if you will, a clog stuck in this clockwork. This clog can be denial, jus
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